Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lip Stick It to Him

Intentionally, I don't spend much money. This is both to save money and because I hate shopping. But I think I may need to spend more time looking at the sales circulars that show up in my junk mail.

Normally I throw those store flyers out immediately,
but this morning I looked at one and found this guy.
My brain immediately started coming up with inventive ways
to abuse that mouth of his.

So I scanned him to share with you guys, then I threw it out.
Both my libido and my bank account are temporarily happy with me.

And here he is with his equally large-lipped companion.
It's a bit comforting to know that, however bad the economy gets,
those employed in the manufacture and distribution
of collagen will still have jobs.

Now that I think of it, checking out ads is how I first learned of the existence of then JCPenney model Austin Peck and the ubiquitous (I really need to find another word to over-use!) Chace Crawford. In fact, I still have some ads from years ago, when the Gossip Guy was still a golf-playing high school student and part-time model, back before he had whatever done to his face to change his looks to what is now on every other Weblog.

I wonder if I can find those pictures.
Hits as of now: 35,919


dukerwt said...

he's sweet!! he looks really hot when compared to the twink next to him.
sales circulars are the poor guy's porno.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

"poor guy's porno"
Aw, man! Why did you have to say it like that?

dukerwt said...

because it's true. i live for my wednesday newspaper circulars. back to school and christmas are the best!

Anonymous said...

If you find the Chace Crawford pics please share!