Monday, September 14, 2009


Diana, Hal, and Arthur all made fun of his cape.
Bruce didn't see the point in it because it wasn't
"scary." And Jonn never mentioned it.

Some people thought it was for aerodynamics. Some
thought it was for warmth. Some thought it was
for style or some kind of homage to his home planet.

No one knew that he wore that cape to keep
people for checking out his sweet ass.

Views as of now: 141,236


Unknown said...

long time no comment

in case you're wondering. Definition of a Man was flagged, and is in the process of being reviewed (kinda, sorta, not really)

so I've created a backup blog of all the old posts as well as NEW ones from this month

tis all

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

Yeah, I've been checking out the new one. Some other site pointed me toward it.

I assume that you go in trouble over those photos of guys kissing. It kind of pisses me off that with Google, a few negative comments can weigh heavily against a site but I don't think that any number of positive comments count at all in your favour.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...
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