Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Finally! Someone who hates Pepsi as much as I do!

The guy in this very yellow photograph calls himself Ninjamike. He's evidently from Florida, so you Pepsi drinkers are safe from him unless you're imbibing in The Sunshine State, or - as I like to call it - The Penis of America.

Here he is again, posing for the camera and then being all ninja-esque on a climbing wall.

We can't really make out his face in that fuzzy picture, but the boy looks a bit cute in a squinty way.

I'm repeatedly amazed by how many guys will work hard to make themselves look good, then get some friend to take a crappy, badly lighted photo of themselves. Seriously, guys! My camera and I are available to make you look good. (We can discuss compensation terms later, after you've had a few.)
Hits as of now: 43,435

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bad photos
but a cute butt