Building two bookcases.
Actually one's for books (bringing the total to six now),
but the other's to hold my growing collection of DVDs
...which now includes a thoroughly insipid and forgettable vampire movie called The Thirst. Why do pretty boys like like Matt Keeslar keep getting themselves into such warm steamy piles of cinematic excrement? The money can't be that good.
By the way, there's another vampire movie out there with the same title, but it's clearly not worth watching: it has C. Thomas Howell in the cast.
As for books, I know I'd promised myself to buy no more until the end of the year (bookstores are my kryptonite) but I broke that last week. My all-time favourite book is Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. (Please don't give me grief riding the Oprah bandwagon; I've been giving copies of this book to people since 1991, long before Oprah clubbed people with books.) And after almost twenty years, it has a sequel, World Without End, which I found in a new used book store. Promise broken, but no regrets.
The bookcases weren't my total day.
I also finally saw Dark Knight at the 10AM showing (I hate crowds), which I'll talk about later, and I began my actual search for an apartment. For eight months I've been sponging off of friends, but now that I can afford my own place, I want one. And if it's within walking distance of the office, I'll save money and work off those last ten pounds in the process. I might actually be lean enough to wear my planned Halloween costume.
Actually, this Sunday doesn't sound so lazy after all.
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Hey! Good luck with the apartment hunting... Coincidentally, I'm looking at one tomorrow that's within walking distance to my office too!
Also, if you want some more shitty C. Tomas Howell cinematic goodness, you should watch his straight-to-DVD War of The Worlds sequel.
Seriously, the best thing about that DVD is that one of the special features has him doing magic tricks.
I don't like dogging the guy, but he just picks one crappy script after another. Or maybe that's all he gets offered anymore.
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