First, here are a couple of comments - one of mine and a response - that started me thinking:
Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...
If I ever learned to talk as freely in the 'blogposts as I do in the comments, I might have more readers. (June 8, 2008 9:28 PM)
dukerwt said...
...there is nothing wrong with your blogposts. is there a blog out there that gets the number of readers / comments you want for your blog? naked pictures would get you more hits but it won't elevate the level of your blog. (June 9, 2008 10:12 AM)
Now here's my long response to those two comments together. I began it as just another comment, but then I decided it was way too long for that.
It's not really more hits I'm after, though I'd love more interaction, more comments and responses. You and Kenneth are great about coming back and leaving comments, but I wish there were more traffic.
Mostly that comment was about my ambiguous feelings toward talking about myself on this blog.
On the one hand, I want to talk about myself and my life more. I want people to be able to get to know me, because that's a lot of what I enjoy about reading others' 'blogs (Oooo, possessive apostrophe and omission apostrophe side by side. A first for me!) And I want to be open and honest with the people who bother to read what's written here. Then they can either like me for myself, or not.
At the same time however, I don't want to talk about myself. I'm afraid that I come across as whiny, because until very recently there wasn't much to say that was positive. And I worry that I'll bore people with details they don't want to know. And there's a good deal of insecurity, that letting people get to know me better is a great way to drive them away. And there are just some things that I don't want to talk about, but that gets harder to accomplish, the more open I am.
So I'm torn about whether to talk more "freely" here or not.
the age old question .... do i let people in or not? it's the fear of the unknown. what will people do if they get to know more about me?
if you think that talking more about yourself will be beneficial for you on a personal level then do it. (forget how your faithful audience may react). my perception is that you are very creative and have a great sense of humor. i think you could find a way to do it that would be interesting and unique. if you're so inclined, talk about a few minor items and see how comfortable you feel about it.
Ah. You can always be counted on for good advice. Thank you.
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