Tuesday, December 7, 2010


On December 7, 1941, the attack
on Pearl Harbour in Hawaii
sank or damaged 188 ships and
killed 2,400 people.

This being a naval base,
how many of them do you think were hot guys?

After serving in the Navy, Steve didn't mind
his new job aboard a private boat. But after
seeing the required uniform, he really
that there was more to his duties
than the job description had said.

Pic heisted from Gutter Candy
Views as of now: 277,852


RAD said...
many were hot....sad day...I have a lot of fam that
remember this day as they were in Honolulu at the time....

When I put this up, I wondered if it were too tasteless.
And your comment has shown me that it was.


RAD said...

many were hot....sad day...I have alot of fam that remember this day as they were in Honolulu at the time....

Anonymous said...

Sexy behond belief!