Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Good News! About two weeks ago, our lab had
its first real breakthrough in our cloning research.

I would have told you before now,
but I've been busy
the clones various kinds of tests.

Photo from
A Cause des Garcons


Anonymous said...

Too bad the clones are soooooo unattractive.

Anonymous said...

They're soooo attractive!!!
One clone for me, please!!!

Anonymous said...

So, do I have to explain the concept of irony to you guys?

Anonymous said...

I hope you have finished your testes now, so you can send me one of these clones!!!!

To Vera: if you have to explain to us the concept of irony, then I'll have to explain the concept of male beauty ;-)))

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

Vera, it's like I said a couple of days ago: irony is difficult when crossing a language barrier.

And Xersex, the plural of "test" is "tests." You're using the word "testes" is either a mistake or a very clever joke.

For the record, I'm not finished with my testes, yet. And I hope I never am.

Anonymous said...

I only hope, dearest Mike, you'll go on making your Man of The Month!!!!
I'm waiting the one of February