Sunday, February 1, 2009


February, from the Latin februare meaning to purify.

In their pagan polytheism, the year began on March 1st, and the month before that was spent in ceremonies and rituals to purify the spirit for the new year.

And a new month means a new theme.

And I'm sure you can guess what it is. You're all very smart.

Incidentally, DC Comics published a calendar in 1976 - the same year that Pepsi released those spiffy drinking glasses that I've been trying to collect.

And according to that calendar, January 29th is Aquaman's birthday. I doubt anyone who lives in the extreme pressure of the sea floor would even feel any birthday spanking that I could give, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Strictly out of respect for tradition, you understand.

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1 comment:

Stephen R. said...

So Aquaman and I are both Aquarians. Interesting for DC to place his birthday here, since Aquarius is actually an air sign, even though the symbol for Aquarius is "water bearer."

Then again, they brought Aquaman back in the last issue of FINAL CRISIS with just one friggin' frame, so I guess that's par for the course for DC's treatment of the King of the Seas.

And if you need ANY help with the underwater birthday paddling, say the word and I'm there. Down there. In no time. :)