Monday, December 8, 2008

Tight End of the Line

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm being a bit of a copycat follower again, but I don't really care. This photo of Luke Guldan is the hottest thing I've seen in a long time.

Hot enough that for once I didn't erase the photographer's name.

I'm pretty sure it's the combination of Luke's physique
and what he's wearing that makes this so hot to me,
but I'm unapologetic about that, too. I think jocks are sexy.
Nothing wrong with that.

I first heard of this guy from
I mentioned him to Kenneth at Definition of a Man
(though he'd probably heard of Luke before I did:
Kenneth is amazingly well-informed) , and he did
his usual thorough treatment of the guy last week.

Negatives: The eyebrows. Luke is another brunet turned bottle blond (oh, all you wanna-bes out there... ) who forgot to do something about his eyebrows. It's that whole Legolas thing all over again.

Positives: Everything else. The guy is frickin' gorgeous. And you should see him when he smiles.
Hits as of now: 35,370

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet Mary!