Thursday, December 18, 2008

Field House of Dreams

Sports I wish I knew more about...

I don't know whether it's because of all the football... uh, sorry: soccer... that gets played around here or because I decided to get in better shape myself or some residual fascination left over from the Olympics, but lately I've been very interested in sports.

Not just leering at the sexy bodies they produce, but actually wanting to watch and understand and appreciate as others play AND getting out there and playing myself. This is totally not like me. Normally I'm far more interested in movies, history, and murder mysteries.

I wonder what's behind it.
Hits as of now: 37,893


dukerwt said...

maybe you are suffering from a testosterone overload?
there is nothing wrong with participating in athletic activities. i think your decision to get in better shape has given you a different view on sports.
now go out and be the jock you were meant to be!

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

O, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. I just wondered why I should have been so interested lately, when I never was before.