Monday, August 11, 2008

Grin and Bear Arms

Hits as of now: 12076


Anonymous said...

i've kept him locked in my bedroom since your previous posting of him.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

Your bedroom? Why would you lock him there? What possible good could he do you locked up in your bed... OOOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

where are you finding the photos of aaron? usually, someone as hot as him (who probably aspires to model and sleep with me) gives more info for pr purposes.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

I don't have mine of them. I just find one here on there on random Websites. I've been trying to include the site's name in the file name as a record, but I'm pretty inconsistent so I don't know where I found these.

I agree with you about models normally wanting PR. I figure he's got a site out there somewhere, but we haven't found it.

Welcome back, by the way, It's been a while.

Anonymous said...

it's difficult to search for someone when you only know his first name. i know he's out there somewhere.

i was out of town (and absent from computers) for a couple weeks for a family wedding and vacation. now i'm back to annoy you.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

You're no annoyance. I love comments.

And two weeks without computers sounds great!

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

You're no annoyance. I love comments.

And two weeks without computers sounds great!