Don't you love a good listener?
And congrats to my Man of the Month for making AfterElton.com's Hot 100 for 2008. He ranked #13 -- just a bit ahead of Brad Pitt -- but he'll always be #4 in my heart. (I did not ask any other parts of my anatomy for their opinion.)
yeah. 'fess up, mike.
No big secret. The first three are myself, and those friends I keep going up to Dallas to see. Jensen's great and all, but people I actually know come first. And I have to be important to me: I'm the roommate I can't move away from.
I'd like to couple up with someone someday, but until then have two good friends can be almost as good. Not as sweaty, of course, but almost as good.
good friends are always a plus. they're difficult to find and hard to maintain over time as life evolves.
i'm too old to couple up with anyone so i just watch it all from the sidelines.
"too old to couple"! As far as I know, that doesn't happen until after death.
(And in certain unsavory West Coast mortuaries, not even then.)
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