Getting in Touch with my Redneck Roots
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LATER UPDATE: I put this up this afternoon, more or less as a joke. But since then, I've sat on my ass in front of the television for most of the afternoon, drinking cheap beer; then I watched the Blue Collar Comedy tour while I stuffed myself with so much dinner that I think my ass might qualify for its own congressional district. All this sounds pretty redneck to me. It might have been a dangerous to make a joke that planted the idea subconsciously in my head.
(Tomorrow morning, I think I should make a joke about my being a tall, blond fratboy with a sweet body and a winning lottery ticket, just in case I've got something working here.)
That hat has a misspelling on it. It's spelled B-O-Y-S.
Maybe this guy plays for both mud-wrasslin' teams, if you take my meaning.
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