Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blonds have more? Fun!

A hot guy is always a hot guy, and I'm gonna notice him. But years ago, I realized that I was more attracted to blonds in the summer time and brunets in the winter.

Does anyone else have a seasonal change in their preferences?

If not, have you ever explored the reasons behind why you are most attracted to whomever you are?


Anonymous said...

What about redheads?

Anonymous said...

i'll go for a blonde any season of the year. i'm a fool for olive skinned, black haired guys, particularly in the summer.
there is no explanation for the attractions. just a feeling i get when i see a guy i like.

Anonymous said...

have you ever done an extraterrestrial? i could write something like "they're out of this world" but that would be really cheesy.
having thought about it, the olive skinned guys i like are usually of italian heritage.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

The last time I ever picked up Penthouse Letters, both of the first two letters began, "I never used to believe your letters until this happened to me...." Then both of them talked about sex with aliens.