A good way to spend some of that extra time you have so much of.
And check the high scores: I'm usually there.
The big news story this week has been Scott (I refuse to call a grown man "Scotty" unless I'm sleeping with him.) McClelland's book about the behind-the-scenes view of the Bush White House. Liberals... oh, excuse me... Progressives are all screaming "I knew it! I knew it!" And the Bushmen are all yelling about how disloyal McClelland is for saying what he says.
It's interesting that most of the criticism focuses on McClelland himself without every saying that his accusations are false. One guy on NPR (Sorry, I'm lousy with names unless I take notes) called this Spin Control 101: Attack the messenger if you don't like the message.
It's been a very hot topic at the so-called FoxNews, and Eyes on Fox can tell you about at least O'Really's take on the story.
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My local ABC affiliate this week talked about almost $9billion that went missing in Iraq. This is pretty good for Disney Corporate News. People who get their news online could have heard about this missing cash more than two years ago! And most of it was actual cash, shipped on shrink-wrapped pallets and carried away from Iraqi airports in duffle bags. A system bad for accountants, but good for money-launderers.
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At Dispatches from the Culture Wars, you can read the story of military personnel in Iraq who are violating military regulations and attempting to convert Iraqi citizens to Christianity. I realize that some Christians feel an obligation to spread their religion, but the men and women in our armed forces are also honour bound to obey their regulations, and the distribution of propaganda and even copies of the Christian Bible in Arabic are not helping our people to earn either the trust or respect of the Iraqi people. Hell, they already have so many reasons to suspect our motives; why give them one more and violate the rules at the same time?
Thanks to Le Gay Blog, I've discovered Garrett Mullen, a model with the B1 Model Management. And now part of me wants to make little statues of him and Vince Azzopardi and use them as really sexy salt and pepper shakers.
Beauty and the Bum yesterday put up images from an 8-page spread called The Top 50 Hottest (shirtless) Guys from OK Magazine. I don't agree with some of their choices, but for sheer volume it is impressive.
and my favourite new blog of the week is Are You There Blog? It's Me, Stephen. A little too heavy on the chicago theatre scene for my life, but it's smart, funny, and charming. Check it out.
Hits as of now: 2379
1 comment:
Hey man, thanks for the blog plug! Hopefully, my Chicago theatre scene coverage will die down a little. I had a rather intensive few weeks of it.
Love your blog. Hope all's well! :)
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