"The best years of your life are the ones in which
you decide your problems are your own.
You don't blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the President.
You realize that you control your own destiny." - Albert Ellis
Another plank has fallen into place in the shaky raft that keeps my life afloat: I have a reliable Internet connection again. I'll no doubt use it for porn, politics, and pointless amusement, but it will also make it much easier to look for a better (ie, more profitable) job.
And it will let me resume these daily updates which I suspect no one will read.
MikeEllisStrikesAgain again!
And it will let me resume these daily updates which I suspect no one will read.
MikeEllisStrikesAgain again!
hey! i check your site everyday.
isn't it time for your quarterly self-evaluation (per posting at beginning of year)?
how is the "house remodeling in exchange for rent" thing working out?
don't give up on your job search. you never know when something good will come your way.
Thanks for your daily visits. I was just getting a lot of daily hits when I lost my easy access. I'm glad that not everyone has abandoned me.
The remodeling thing is over because the three months are up, but I am employed (and showing a small profit at the end of the month) and living now with a couple of friends until I can support myself fully.
As for the "quarterly review," I've not forgotten but the middle of the week leaves little time for such a thing. I'll set aside most of Sunday for that.
i'm happy to learn that your control back over your life. you seemed a little stressed out at the beginning of the year.
i'm also glad that you're back online again. you have interesting postings, great pixs, and links to other good sites.
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