Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I wanna hear more about the kitchen chair...

kd lang - Hallelujah
Rarely do I come across a perfect match of a singer and song. But this is one.
6 mins. 15 - SFW


Speaking of "Hallelujah,"
today was my first day at a new job.

And it's just that: a "job." Not the start of a new career or anything. A job. A survival job. But it's money coming in for a few months while I continue to look for something better. After a couple of years of hiding from the world, I'm out there again, earning a paycheck and acting like a grown-up.

I don't completely understand the emotional or psychological demons that sent me into hiding, but I'm fighting against them and today was my first real win in a while. Yea for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on the job. it's the first step of a (long) journey. you accomplished one of the things you wrote about in the beginning of the year.
keep fighting the demons. there is no reason for them to win and thereby control your life. stay positive about yourself.
yea for you!!