Yesterday I moved into a new place, so I'm a bit busy at the moment and my access to the Internet will be a bit irregular for a while, meaning I'll update when I can.
Instead of meaningless Thoughts for Thursday from me, check out instead The 50 Most Loathsome People in the USA. Entry #9 is both the most apt and most shameful, I think.
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i agree with your thoughts on number 9of most loathesome people. let's hope we make a positive change in november.
is your new residence part of your new years self-evaluation?
More a result of my not being able to pay rent without a job. I've worked out an arrangement where I fix up a house for someone in exchange for room and board. Meanwhile, I step up the job search.
Thanks for asking, by the way.
good luck on the job search.
sounds like you're experiencing a rough time of life these days. i hope it gets better for you.
keep a positive outlook. i'll try to send some positive kharma to austin.
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