First, consider this picture that I've used here once before:

Yeah, I know: hardly high art as photographs go,
but the boy is a tasty slab of beef.
Now take a look at these pics that I found online last week.

I know that pictures 2 and 3 are the same guy, but I'm not sure whether they are the same guy as in pic #1. Opinions?
Probably so -- there are definite similarities to the body, the jawline, the eyebrows, etc. The only real differences are pretty superficial, and mostly they can be explained away by a haircut, a cap, and a haughty tilt of the head that makes the nose look different. I'm rather hoping these are not the same guys though. In the first pic I think he's hot, but in the others he has the arogant, ignorant thug attitude about him that puts me off.
Hot guys are one thing, but hot guys who know they're hot and are damned arrogant about it are not sexy to me.
I included the fourth pic only because the wall colour and the colour and general style of the wood trim seemed to match the others. At first I thought it was the same house, but now I'm not so sure.
But it's still fun to imagine them sharing this house together somewhere.
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